We invite kids and families to participate in a interactive workshop led by artists from The Redhawk Native American Council. During this workshop, young people learn about the traditional and social styles of different Native American dances, as well as each dance’s origin and significance. Set to live music, the interactive performances welcome young people to witness and participate in dances from the Southwest, Northern Plains and Eastern Woodlands. Sharing differences in the music, dance, and culture of the many Native American nations from across the country, this workshop is designed to foster understanding and empathy. Join us for an afternoon of excitement, learning and fun.
Interactive Dance Workshop
Saturday, June 22 at 12:30 pm and 2:30 pm
The Redhawk Native American Arts Council is a not for profit organization founded and maintained by Native American artists and educators residing in the New York City area. Since 1994, the Council is dedicated to educating the general public about Native American heritage through song, dance, theater, works of art and other cultural forms of expression. The council represents artists from North, South, Central American, Caribbean and Polynesian Indigenous cultures. Redhawk Council produces four of the largest Native American heritage celebrations in the Northeast. The arts council also hosts festivals, workshops, theater presentations and educational programs, addressing stereotypes and fostering an awareness of Native cultures from a historical standpoint, with a focus on contemporary cultural practices. Redhawk shares a traditional Indigenous prospective on sustainable living, thinking green and urban gardening by farming in the council’s garden space. To present programs within the educational system to help students and educators gain a better understanding of Native American history and diverse cultures represented within Native America. The Council also encourages educators to re-think the current out dated curriculum and apply some of the first hand knowledge shared by Native artists and educators.