A panel discussion to mark the publication of Peter N. Miller’s History and Its Objects: Antiquarianism and Material Culture since 1500 (Cornell University Press). The conversation will include William Stenhouse, Yeshiva University; Alessandra Russo, Columbia University; Bernard L. Herman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Michael Shanks, Stanford University; and Peter N. Miller, Bard Graduate Center.
“In this remarkable book, Peter N. Miller unearths an unsuspected genealogy for material culture studies and cultural history. We owe Miller a debt of gratitude for laying bare this deep history and revealing that in our present celebration of material culture, we are joining a long conversation.”—Pamela H. Smith, Columbia University

This event is co-sponsored by Cornell University Press.
“In this remarkable book, Peter N. Miller unearths an unsuspected genealogy for material culture studies and cultural history. We owe Miller a debt of gratitude for laying bare this deep history and revealing that in our present celebration of material culture, we are joining a long conversation.”—Pamela H. Smith, Columbia University

This event is co-sponsored by Cornell University Press.