Dachsie pull toy, introduced 1958–59
BRIO, Osby
Wood, metal, plastic, string, cardboard box
Private collection

Sailboat, introduced 1988
Ulf Hanses for Playsam
Private collection

Miniature railway set and car ferry, ca. 1963
BRIO, Osby
Lekoseum in collaboration with BRIO, Sweden

Labyrinth game, introduced 1946
BRIO, Osby
Wood, plastic, metal, cardboard box
Private collection

Doll, 1989
Ulf Hanses
Wood, leather, cotton, burlap
Ulf Hanses
[image SwedishToyAnimation07.gif]

Streamliner Rally, introduced 1984
Ulf Hanses for Playsam
Wood, metal
Private collection

Puck ice hockey game, 1950–60
Aristospel AB, Stockholm
Wood, metal, plastic
Roma Capitale—Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali—Collezione di giocattoli antichi, CGA LS 7508

“BYGG-BRIO” building set, introduced 1953
BRIO, Osby
Wood, rubber
Private collection