If having a question is what separates the modern regime of “research” from omnidirectional early modern “curiosity,” and asking a question is about engaging someone else in a dialogue, then we can say that questions are central to the Bard Graduate Center’s orientation as a graduate research institute and as an intellectual community. Three questions are enough to explore the borders of different fields, to go more deeply into any one of them, to get between the lines of a published argument, or into thinking that has not yet found its form. But asking only three questions forces priorities, suggests an agenda: in short, hints at the barest bones of an argument-in-the-making, if only indirectly. “Three Questions” does all this, aided by a setting consistent with the BGC’s way of being in the world: “serious but informal.” Interview subjects include BGC faculty, staff, students, visiting fellows, colleagues, interlocutors, and intellectual partners.
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