Samrudha Dixit has a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design and completed his graduation in Education. His research interests are in the history of Design Education and the identities of craft practices in India. During his design practice, he explored materials such as earth, ceramics, wood, bamboo, tensile fabric, and paper. In 2015 at CEPT University, he commenced his academic career as a Field Researcher and later became the Principal Researcher of the project, Vernacular Furniture of North-West India. As part of it, he co-authored two books: Sahaj and Anaikya, and two catalogs with international collaborators. The Charles Wallace India Trust (CWIT) and Simon Digby Charitable Trust (SDMC) awarded him Research Scholarship to study the diverse collection of majus (wooden cabinets) of Gujarat and Rajasthan at South Asia Collection, UK.

Apart from making traditions, Samrudha is also interested in investigating pedagogy and curriculum. He has published his graduation research on Science Education and Museums in the University publication of Azim Premji University. He is keen and has actively shared his research insights as part of full-time teaching, workshops, and lectures at prominent universities and forums across India. As part of his doctoral studies, he aspires to converge theories of Education with his experience of working with craftspeople of India.